till which day will they be put off? The Day for Sorting Things Out
For what Day are these signs deferred?
for what day is it appointed
To what Day was it deferred?
Until which day is it deferred
For what Day the term stood specified
For what Day has all this been deferred
To whichever Day is (this) term appointed
If one asks, "To which day have such calamitous events been postponed?"
(Do you know) for which day has all this been delayed
For what Day is the term delayed
Until what day has it been put off
For what Day are these Signs (of Allah) deferred
For what Day was it postponed
For what day has it been delayed?
for what Day has all this been set
For what day is it timed
For what day is that time fixed
until what day is that deferred?
For what day has the term (of all this) been set
—for what day has [all] that been set [to occur]
To what Day are these signs appointed
for what day (all these) are appointed?
For what day are these deferred
for which Day has this been set for?
To which Day has this task been deferred
For what day has it been delayed?
For what day is the time fixed
For what day they were appointed?
That is the appointed day
to what day shall they be deferred
To what day is the doom fixed
To which day/time it was delayed
Then that day will be the Day of Judgment
For which day were they appointed
To what day have these portents been deferred
Well, for what Day is the term (of all the affairs) appointed
To what day have these (portents) been deferred
For what Day are these signs postponed
to what day shall they be delayed
to what a day shall that appointment be deferred
For what day is the appointment made
Until what day shall that time be deferred
when will all this be
for which day will all this come to its term,
For what day are (these Portents) postponed?
For which has this been reserved?
to which day is it deferred?
For what day are these postponed?
till which day will they be put off?
For which day they postponed?
To what day arc these deferred?
For which day were they postponed?
For what Day is this (portent) deferred
But as to which day has the Messengers convention been postponed and when will it then be made to supervene
For which day (is this) timed?
For what day is it delayed?
For what Day are these (portents) deferred
For what Day are (these) postponed
Li-ayyi yawmin ojjilat
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